The most frequently asked question about Fujis is, 'what's a Fuji?' A Fuji is a hand puppet with an attitude, a spirit in a sense, that lives in your hand. But PLEASE don't call your Fuji a hand-puppet in front of it! Most get reeeeeeeealy offended!

Q. What if my Fuji eats something she/he isn't supposed to?
A. Push on the second fik (your middle finger) untill it is barfed-up.
Q. Can I have more than one Fuji?
A. Yes! you can have two Fujis, one on each hand.

Q. How can I tell if my Fuji is in love?
A.This is quite rare, but they either tell you that they like that other Fuji, or when their love goes by they will sweat profusely and gibber like an idiot until that Fuji leaves, freaked-out and annoyed.
If you have a question, please e-mail me and I will post it on the site!