Fujis originated from a character made up by an over-active hyper imagination (Tori's mind). This character was named Baby Fuji. Baby Fuji was not a hand puppet at the time.
Then Tori brought the idea of Baby Fuji to her school at A.N. Pritzker. Out of nowhere Baby Fuji was decided to be drawn on a hand. Tori then showed her creation to Bailey, one of her best, best, best, best friends (and author and founder of this site). Bailey loved Baby Fuji so much that she created her own, now named Fujisha. Tori decided to drop the 'baby' in 'Baby Fuji' to just call him Fuji.
Fuji and Fujisha where hittin' the road in popularity at school! Everyone started making Fujis. Soon Bailey and Tori opened the Fuji adoption center which is now located on this site.
Any ways, Fuji and Fujisha liked each other sooo much, that they got married and had a ton of kids, all but two of which they put up for adoption. Funguy (Tori kept), and Fungi (Bailey kept) both of which are married to Lavina's Fuji's (names not listed). Somewhere in all this all this, it had been decided to start their names with the letter "F".
Now we come to the official Fuji club, which consisted of six members; Tori, Bailey, Anna, Chelsea, Gigi, Lavinia, and Becca, Maybe there where more, I just cannot remember.
Soon enough the boys of our classroom intruded in the happy Fuji planet. At first Ian, Iggy (Nick), Oliver, Nader, and Michael all adopted fujis. Every thing went well for about a day. Then first it was Ian. He was caught abusing his Fuji, smacking it into walls, feeding it poison, etc. Then the other boys followed. The only male Fuji owner that remained loyal was Max. All the others had they're Fuji's discarded. What will happen next?
Join the Fuji society to sway the future.